The Economy Issue #1

If you’ve been watching television, particular CNN, Issue #1 is the economy. It’s everywhere. People are talking about it everywhere. Not only is it in the media, you go to the coffee shops, they are talking about it. They are talking about it in the living room, in...

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Never Give Up

Never Give Up! Yes, You Can! And You Will To all of you my fans who often write to me with a spirit of discouragement. I know sometimes it's hard and you may want to give up. Life doesn't seem to be fair. But I want you to know there's order in chaos. Your tough times...

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Just Be Nice

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have everything going for them yet they are still struggling to get by? I mean, they are so smart, good looking, and outgoing yet they just can seem to succeed. Why is that? It's because those people are lacking one of...

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Information Overload

Click here to see the photos Village Christmas Diner I know. I know. It's been a while since you've heard from me. I think the last time we touched base was about a month ago. I do get lots of email from some of you asking me if I have been hiding. Hiding? No. Let's...

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Business Coaching