Information Overload

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Click here to see the photos Village Christmas Diner

I know. I know. It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me. I think the last time we touched base was about a month ago. I do get lots of email from some of you asking me if I have been hiding. Hiding? No.

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I’m just out there seeking my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and making a difference at the same time. I really love the making-a-difference part.

Talking about instant gratification! You get off stage, people in your audiences start telling you what they will do differently to change their current situation. You know what? Many times it’s not because of something I said. It’s because of something I didn’t say.

It’s because of something that makes them think of the solutions to their problems on their own. That’s why I believe we each can be a catalyst for change. Of course, my speeches always, in some ways, communicate to the reader that if I can do it, you can, too. And, it’s usually after they hear how I fought, battled and overcame poverty and sickness in tiny Haitian village.

Basically, I tell them enough excuses or trying to get your all ducks I a row. The situation is never going to get as right as you want it to be. I say to them. Just start now and perfect as you go.

How much more information do we need before we muster the courage to start? How much more information do we need before we can step into the light and go for the promotion; start the business; and do the things we are afraid of?

The answer is NONE.

Yes, you need solid and useful information to help get there faster. But you can acquire the information as you go. Does that make any sense to you? Yes?

Speaking of information…

Why is it that we are drawing in a sea of information yet we continue to starve for more? Why it is that we are so confused? If so much information is available to use for free, why then do we continue to beat a path to the guru’s door?

There are several reasons.

You see, the mind is silly. We love free stuff but yet inherently we know free is not good. In fact most people judge quality based on whether what they are getting is free, cheap or expensive.

Here’s what often happens to us: Since we can get so much information for free, we quickly dismiss it as useless. Another reason is the information we are getting often has no emotion to it. Or, shall I say no stickiness to it? There’s not enough creative adaptation to it. It’s not well organized. And it isn’t in a format that fires up our inspiration engine.

Basically, it isn’t so much about the message; it’s about the messenger. And this is a whole topic in and of itself. The sad commentary about all of this is too much of useless, dull and uninspired information distracts us from focusing on really what matters. A good example is the email addiction. I know something about. Hey, I struggle with it, too.

Alright, on with something inspirational…

As you might recall, last December I told you I was going to Haiti to have Christmas dinner with 28 poor kids at an orphanage. Did I tell about that dinner already? Maybe not. My first stop was in a city called Cayes. There I visited an orphanage for three days in a row. Then I headed to my beloved village.

Since I didn’t have the time to set up two dinners back to back, I decided to share some dinero money with my fellow villagers.

By the way, I have a very powerful technique I want to share with you next time. It’s a persuasion technique to help you get what you ask for every time. A fellow villager tried it on me as if I didn’t know what he was doing. Though, I kind of forgot about it until he laid it on me.

I’ll make a note to share it with you next time. It’s a psychological trigger. Hint: it’s about the Law of comparison.

Anyway, It was the best Christmas ever for me! I had the time of my life with those kids. They sang, danced and ate. It was something else!

Some of the songs even brought tears to my eyes. Well, you know I was fighting back those tears and hiding the fact that I was crying. Why? Well, the celebration was too joyful for that. The kids called me papi (meaning daddy). I really didn’t know I had that many kids until then.

A television station came and shot some great video footage for me. I’ll share some with you later particularly the song that made me cry. It’s in Creole.

I’ll translate it for you. Although it may not mean much to you if you didn’t grow up the way I did. But for now click on the link to see of the pictures I took with the kids while I was there. Press on my friend! Click here to see the photos Village Christmas Diner

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  1. Bernard


    You are absolutely an angel sent by God to help his people. Often times people expect to see an angel clothed in white, with wings, but don’t know that the mission of an angel can be found in their own action. You symbolize hope for these little kids.

    On Christmas time, they will be looking for you. You are their “tonton nwel” uncle Noel or Santa whatever you want to call it.

    Thank you brother for doing such a good work. May the spirit of the Lord keep on walking with you.

    Bernard Sejour

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Bernard,

      Thanks for those kind words. If indeed I am an Angel, my fans are my wings. Everyday, I think about all the accolades I receive from many of you. I never take it for granted.

      Going back to my village to give is the best way I know to extend my gratitude. My fellow villagers truly appreciate me. They too, are my wings.

      Keep pressing on my friend!

  2. NICK Zizi

    Hey Rene!

    Thank You MUCH! I LOVE your book. It really helped me to knock down some walls of excuses, fears that kept me from walking in my destiny. I had several light bulbs turned on while reading your book. I would like to meet you. When are you coming to florida?

    Nick Zizi

    • Rene Godefroy

      Glad my book has made an impact on you. I am sure one day we’ll get to meet. I will definitely let you know when I am in Florida.

      Spread the inspiration around. Uplift those who are on your path — your co-workers, family members, and friends.

  3. Rodney Hatfield

    The pictures are nice, you are such a blessing to that city. I live near Pittsburgh, Pa and I used to live in Kansas City. Please let me know when you will be anywhere near Pennsylvania. I would love to come and join you.

    I just began working in health insurance sales and you are truly motivating to me. I am looking to get out of debt so that I will be able to do some of the things that you are doing. You are a inspiration to me.

    I continue to pray for you success and I pray that I will be able to accompany you to Haiti sometime. Keep blessing others and you will continue to be Blessed.
    Thanks for you encouragement.


    • Rene Godefroy


      You will do great in sales. I get to speak to lots of sales people. I always remind them to use personal affirmations. Such as, “rejections are part of my job. Today, I must keep asking for the sale until someone says yes.”

      Basically, we must have a thick skin to be in sales. It’s not for the boys and girls. It’s for the men and women. The beginning, just like in everything in life, is hard. But the winners never quit.

      Nothing works the first time. We have to stay with and keep tweaking it until it works. And, trust me, it will work.

  4. Raj Gavurla

    Beautiful children! I see the gleam you put in there eyes. Very motivational and inspirational. Being born in a third world country and most of my family still there I don’t understand why there is poverty. Fortunately, my family is well. We can eliminate poverty and enable people to lead the life they want.

    Seeing the pictures reminds me of when I visited India in 1993 and I wanted to walk from my uncle’s place to my aunt’s place.

    My cousin sisters would not let me go because a known dog might bite me. Then one said, we’ll form a circle around him so the dog will not bite him. Picture me walking down the street with my cousin sisters holding hands joyfully in a circle around me dancing, smiling, and making fun noise.

    Seeing your pictures stimulated this memory. I am forever grateful. You are a Hero!

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Raj,

      You are awesome man! Your little stories and vignettes are little treasures. Keep inspiring the world. I would love to, one day, go to India with you.

      India has always been on my mind. It’s one of the places that I really want to visit. Hey, maybe one day we can a big motivational rally in India.

      • Raj Gavurla

        Didn’t see this till now. A trip to India and motivational rally would be amazing! Always better when there is a family base in a country one is visiting. Rene, I have a huge family in India!

  5. Dr. Dovie Gray


    You are to be commended for your hard work and for giving back to the people. What an awesome task for you! I know that you must have mixed emotions, wanting to help and reflecting on your own past.

    I admire what you stand for and your accomplishments. God will bless your efforts.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Many thanks Dr. Dovie! You are right! It can be very emotional. But it’s also very inspiring. I get a boost every time I go to my village to help.

  6. Itumeleng

    Hi Rene

    When are you going to be in South Africa?

    Please please make a plan we would Love to see you :o)



    • Rene Godefroy

      Oh, I would really, really love to come to South Africa! Hopefully of the event promoters down there will invite me soon.

  7. myrka


    Tu fais un travail extraordinaire. Tu es vraiment un hero. A un moment ou tout le monde fuit Haiti, toi tu as ete celebrer la Noel avec des desherites, Bravo.

    Compliments, excelsior

    Je voudrais moi aussi donner un coup de main au village. Fais moi signe.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Merci beaucoup madame pour vos compliments. 🙂
      Me and my French! It’s been a while.

  8. Zamile


    Each and every time I have to talk about you I run out of words cause there no one that inspires me like you do, the way you talk to people and I always talk about you when I’m with my friends.

    The pictures of you and the kids are amazing and I can see that those children inspired you just by looking at the pics, thanks once again for your inspiration.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Zamile you are my hero as well. Thanks for being a fan! Yes, those children do inspire me.

  9. martin

    hi i stay in kumasi-ghana so pls am sorry i can’t be at ur lovly programme.

    • Rene Godefroy

      No problem Marlin. Next time.

  10. lebohang

    My name is Lebohang from south Africa. i have been receiving i-mails from you since last year before june, and you where all over the world but you have never been to any country in Africa. So when are you coming this side?

    • Rene Godefroy

      Well, apparently I have a lot of friends in South Africa. It’s awesome! I will let you know when. Keep pressing on my friend.

  11. Rosemarie Narcisse

    Hi Rene:
    I can only say: Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Keep it up.
    God Bless you.

  12. Mkhethwa

    HI Rene thank you about giving me updates, i would love to be your guest at Kansas city the think is that i’m too far from that place i’m in south africa and I am a recent Graduate without a Job. but all in all I would like to be the part of your event

  13. Frank Enwelum

    Hi Rene.

    I just fall in love with your program.

    Keep the light on don’t go back.I saw the pictures.They are fine.

    Lives are effected. Situations are changing, people are having sense of belong.More hopes are being created in the minds of millions that is not yet over. Rene keep it up. Frank

  14. Peet Dippenaar

    It`s wonderfull to see you with all the children ….we need more people like you right through the world that can cheer up the children , especially in the poor world countries where the children maybe don`t see or can expect love from people near to them like in this case

    Keep it up with your good work ….GOD loves you

  15. Lynda

    Hi Rene,

    I fell in-love with all the photos especially about the one with the little boy who did not attend the christmas party but came pass your place of residents to visit each day to speak with you and had beg for you to take him back to America with you that really touch my heart right after the tears came the anger; For a child so young to realize opportunity in a America and here I am working with young afro america males who most times feel like society owes them something. Believe it or not after seeing the photos I was right there on that trip with you and yes it really was a beautiful experience thanks for sharing it with me.

  16. Odirile

    Hi Rene, U are such a blessing to my life, u know i just find your booklet in one of my late brother’s paper, then i read it, i couldnt stop reading it, it motivated me so much that i came and join your site. am an orphan of a very poor family and i am tthe first born, so all your massages are realy doing something great in my life, u have realy change me from being hopeless to have a very GREAT HOPE about the future.

    When my last parent died i was 15 years old, they didnt even left us with anything. i had to start life from scrach at that age with two sisters and two brothers. i went through a very tough situation such that i ended up being abuse because of my porvety. i willing to push on until i reach my goals.

    i am a motivating person, so i managed to motivate my sisters as i have lost both brothers, i am also motivating my friends and telling them about your site.

    so with this thank you so much, but Rene please i would like you to come to Botswana and help me motivate Basarwa(Bushmen) as i believe they also need help. i would also like you to help with some words that i will be using to them as i am still waiting for you.

    God has filled me with love for those people in such a way that i would like to see their lifes changed just like any people. they live at settlements so most of people does not give them attention. i wolud love to, thorough your help.

    i felt more inspired when i looked at the photoes you send tio me. i would love to join you in the trip to Kansas City but am so far in Botswana with no money for transport.

    God bless you.

  17. Rene Godefroy

    I am testing to find out how this thing works.

    • Tina

      You are an incredible person. Your life story has had such an impact on me (besides all the tears). I wish I could get a full version from you. You were indeed created to impact lives and affect them. You got it going on. May God increase you with wisdom.

  18. tina

    Oh…and like Luther once sang…I believe in the power of love’…thank you for loving mankind, regardless of where they are from, you have given HOPE.

    bless you :0)

  19. Eyo francis

    Hello,Rene,u are so much more than what i thouhg.i did not even know that i have so much in me but thank you for briging it to me.The book is so much of me,and i do just hope that i have the hope and courage to go on with life.the only promble is that something is about to jold me back this is my education,the boby that organise exams into uni. did not release my result so i do not know what to do and my time is running out .help me

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