November 17th is Rene Godefroy Day

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Iam ready to pop the champagne! It’s my day! If you have been following me, you know I’m kind of humble, right? It’s not always about me. That explains why my photos are plastered everywhere on my marketing materials, books and web sites. LOL!

Well, according to the branding experts, I’m the product. My face should be on everything including my forehead.  Just kidding!

Anyway, I’d like to brag a little. Today (November 17, 2008) is a special day for me. It’s the day that has been declared as “The Rene Godefroy Day” in the city of Smyrna, GA!

Yep, on September 27, 1999, the major of Smyrna, GA, Max Bacon, issued the proclamation. The occasion was my 10th year anniversary as a US citizen. Thanks to a wonderful man by the name of Harold Smith who is a former mayor of the city. He lobbied on my behalf to make it happen.

I‘d like to say I’m the first African American to receive such an honor in Smyrna. But I’m really a Haitian American. Well, how about the first black person? Oops! That would make me politically incorrect. It’s kind of confusing, isn’t it?

Later, I received a golden key to the city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. My good friend Marvin Dejean made that happen.

What did I do for such honors? Uh… Nothing. I just focused on making an impact. I spoke at many high schools and civic clubs in the city. I made an impact.

Now, I didn’t want to make this just about me.

Here’s the lesson here for you. Success has four phases: Value, impact, feeling, and money. People who are making money are making an impact and making people feel good as well. Big impact equals big money.

Most people get it wrong just like I did. They focus on making money instead of making an impact. The key is to lose ourselves in serving others and the money will follow.

The question you should ask yourself everyday is this: “How big of an impact am I making?” You see, money is a by-product of impact. And it’s directly related to the value we bring to the table.

Simply put, value creates feelings. Feelings create impact. And impact creates money.

Make an impact at work on your boss or co-workers by increasing the value you bring. Do the same for your family members and friends. If you own your business, you even have a greater opportunity to add value and create an impact.

Most entrepreneurs spend enormous amount of time on creating sleek marketing materials to look good instead of thinking ways to give their clients or customers something of value that can make impact. Do you see what I mean? Great!

Now, grab a piece of paper and a pen. Write down what more you can offer to your boss, family members, friends, or customers in order to make a greater impact. Give it away to them without any expectations.

I wanted to share this with you because so many people write and email me to ask about how to achieve success.

The reality is success means different things to different people. Whatever it means to you, you can achieve it if you set out to make a big impact.

Press on!
I can’t wait to read your feedback. Scroll down to comment.


  1. Candi

    Very interesting and exciting, again I always say the depth of your past is an indication of your future and looks like your future is extraordinary, pop open the champagne

    • Rene Godefroy

      Great quote Candi. You are a wise person. Yes, let’s pop open the champagne. I don’t even like champagne.

  2. Thom


    I was listening to Earl Nightingale talk about success “Strangest Secret” today as I was traveling to one of my offices that 85 miles away.

    While traveling I was thinking about how to make an impact, and Earl was saying that many of us (including me) try to get money to show that we are successful. But he was saying that money is the fruit of success.

    I was also thinking about Lisa Jimenez book Conquer Fear and was thinking that the stuck in the mud feeling that I have is really a fear of the unknown as I try to plan a new path in my life.

    So I made a commitment (as I traveled home) that I would stop making excuses, and get going on my impact in life!

    What a wonderful day to make that commitment “Rene Godefroy Day”!

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Thom,

      You are a great fan, man. As always, thanks for your input.

      Keep adding value in order to create a big impact!

  3. Lynda Ottey


    You always have a way of making me feel good and putting a smile on my face I couldn’t agree with you more. You certainly push me to do my very best, to be my very best, I feed off your knowledge and your beautiful spirit, thank you.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hey Lynda,

      That’s what it’s all about. Every time we can put a smile on someone’s face, we should go for it. Life is sometimes too grin for so many.

      Glad you are doing your very best. Please find it in you to encourage those you come in contact with as well.

      I am so glad you are in my circle.

  4. Beatrice Cherubin

    Hello Rene,
    I think that this is very a well-deserved honor. You are an exemplary individual who is doing positive things for people everywhere. I wish that you enjoyed the day and may it only inspire you to continue your positive work. I know that you have a real passion for what you do so it is wonderful to get acknowledge for that. I am always happy to hear about my fellow Haitians who are doing well. I wonder if you did really pop a champagne because I will pop one just for you. Stay strong and positive always!

    Brooklyn, NY

    • Rene Godefroy


      That is so kind of you! Thank you!!

      Beatrice, the funny thing is I don’t like champagne. Don’t pop open yours yet. I’m planning on having a big celebration sometime in the future and invite all of you.

      Then we can have champagne together my friend.

      Press on!

  5. Boniwe Shamase


    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Boniwe,

      I have to tell you this… Your comment is how I get my inspiration. I’m a conduit. You had it in you all along. I just turned on the switch.

      Many thanks for letting me know. Great things are about to happen in your life. Never look back. You can and you will.

  6. Norman Lacasse, Ft Lauderdale, Fl


    I love what you say about impact. We need to add value to whatever we do !
    Congratulations on your “Rene Godefroy Day”.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Thanks my friend. Keep making an impact.

  7. Challa S.S.J.Ram Phani

    Hi Rene,

    Its great to see this news. Hearty congrats for your inimitable achievement and you deserve it. Thanks for the motivating message as I always believe in the immortal words of Mahatma Gandhi ‘You must be the change you want to see in the world.’.

    I wish many more laurels and great success in your future endeavors.

    Thanks and regards.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Yes indeed! Gandhi said it best. Thanks for your good wishes.

  8. Rosemarie Narcisse

    Good morning,

    Ti Rene…..You are a BIG RENE…… Happy Rene Godefroy Day, yesterday, today and forevermore…

    Keep going…
    I love YOU, Rene Godefroy. God bless you.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Wow! Thank you Rosemarie! I am so happy to have so many great people like yourself in my circle.

  9. Oloruntola Michael


    You are always my man and my wonderful mentor,the problem am having is that i cant find any of your book in NIGERIA yet,and if it is please help me out with te address or a place to get a copy of your book.especially ” KICK your excuses goodbye”,if i am correct.

    RENE, You have strove,toiled and mingle with the less privileged, and you have chosen to step out and become a blessing to your world.if success is a choice i think you have made the best choice in your life.

    And this has affected nations and individuals of the world.people like us hear from you and feel like starting from where you started.i am working hard and putting my best in my vision.

    It would have been a suprise for you,yourself if you never succeeded to this extent.the only thing that would have amazed you is if u never get to this stage of honor and reputation.

    I celebrate your victory and appreciate your impact in this world,i pray God will strengthen you and enlarge your coast.

    Thanks for your newsletter and the opportunity to talk.


    • Rene Godefroy


      I have had many requests for my book in Nigeria. Well, we only ship books within the US and Canada. If we could find a good distributor in your country, we would definitely explore the possibility.

      I would love to have my book available to the entire world. But it’s not happening now. However, we are in negotiation with a company. When that comes through, you’ll see the book on the shelves of your bookstores.

      Thanks for celebrating my victory with me. I can’t wait to hear about your successes as well. Keep pressing on and never give up my friend.

  10. Bernard Sejour

    Rene, You have asked the question what have you done for such a honor, and you answer it wrong. You said nothing. Do you think it is a favor? you have worked hard to gain the confidence of people, to inspire others, and to help them seeing the world with a different perspective. Happy Rene Godefroy Day. Rene you know who you are or what you do until people around you acknowledge it.
    You motivate me all the time, today is my turn. Kenbe pa lage!

    • Rene Godefroy


      You are indeed one of my longtime followers. You are right. I was kidding when I said nothing.

      It took years of hard work, persistence, bulldog tenacity to be where I am. As I always say, “Success is a process. We must relish the process and stay with it.”

      Keep pressing on!

  11. Diego

    I’m happy for you rene it only a biginning you will received more honor may Jesus bless you more and more


    • Rene Godefroy

      You are my hero, man. I draw inspiration from you courage! I

  12. JOANNE


    Positive day 2-U !!!! I am joanne I Live in Houston, Texas. So very inspiring! I am so proud of U-!!

    I am a member of toastmaster, doing very well, I am currently N- The competent Communicator manual. I’m preparing speech #7 using visual aids. I am excited about the journey!!!!!!

    Again congratulations! Well deserved!!!!!!!

    Press on,


    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Joanne,

      Thanks for you kind comment. I love it when you guys participate. You are awesome!

      Keep pressing on!

      • Robert

        I am very familiar with toastmasters. Way to go!

  13. Barbara J. Faison


    CONGRATS! You are truly a village hero and and everyday hero for many. Celebrate this success and your daily successes always.

    Continued upward progression in all that you do and who are you.

    Keep going and keep growing.

  14. kingsley paa grant

    Hi bro, am so happy for you to have such a wonderful day all to yourself i will celebrate the day with you, aithough it is belated i will still celebrate. wishing you all the best in everthing you do.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Kingsley,

      It’s never too late for a good thing. Yes, go ahead and celebrate with me. Thanks for joining the conversation.

  15. Lina

    I know it’s so belated to respond, but not too late to have a say, right?
    I’m really glad to have come across your site when the going is getting rough for me. People like you really touch others, sometimes, even small acts and thoughts being shared have great impact. Hope i can share more with you and your readers soon.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Yes Lina,

      It’s not too late to have your say. I absolutely love it when my readers comment. Like they say, God is in the details. The small acts and thoughts often have the most profound impact.

      I encourage you Lina to find ways to make an impact as well. You see, we do not have to be on a stage or have thousands of people in our databases to make an impact.

      I am fortunate enough to be in that category. But I usually get more joy and satisfaction when I reach out and emotionally touch a poor child in my village. I know that means a lot to him or her.

      It is like planting tiny seeds. They will eventually grow and become mighty trees.

      There are times when we need the encouragement more than anybody else. But we still have to find it in us to uplift others. When we do, we automatically uplift ourselves.

      It’s like pulling a wagon. When we pull the wagon, we automatically pull ourselves.

      Press on!

  16. Ildar Samit

    Mr. Godefroy,

    Your story is truly amazing. You know, I couldn’t agree more with your message. Actually, we hear those same things over and over again from good people around us. We see these messages in movies and in books, but it’s interesting how we still do not apply them nearly as much as we could.

    November 17th happens to be by birthday, and for a second I thought it was yours too! Well, please don’t take that day all for yourself ok? Haha if we had friends in common, they wouldn’t know which celebration to go to! 🙂

    Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas,

    • Rene Godefroy

      Awesome! Well, let me wish you a happy birthday. Celebrate it to the max!! Press on!

  17. josh

    hi rene, i’m very impress about your motivation talks and impact that you have created to the world as a whole. Reading your article published on the website which i share with my friends has been really good and shown determination on their lives.

    on the otherhand, can you pls brief me on the similarilties and differences between vision and mission

    keep it up. All the best!!

  18. Rene Godefroy

    Great to meet you! Thanks for your feedback. Glad you can identify with my story. Keep pressing on! Let’s stay in touch.

  19. barbara

    Sir, Will you celebrate the 20th this year? I“ll be glad to come over and sing with you while you all, drinking… Ah Ah Ah

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Barbara,

      Absolutely! Your voice is all we would need to really have an awesome time! You are such a trooper!


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