The Economy Issue #1

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If you’ve been watching television, particular CNN, Issue #1 is the economy. It’s everywhere. People are talking about it everywhere.

Not only is it in the media, you go to the coffee shops, they are talking about it. They are talking about it in the living room, in the dining room, in the break room at work. If you go to the grocery store, they are making some comments about the economy!

Now, I’m not an economist. There are a lot of things I don’t understand about the economy. But my question is, where is the money? Yeah, whatever happened to the money? Ok, do you remember the commercial for Wendy’s? Where’s the beef? Where’s the money?

I know they didn’t pile up all the money and set it on fire. The money didn’t vanish. A few companies went under, but they still had billions of dollars of assets and some cash.

What happened to the cash? What happened to the assets?

The earth didn’t open up and the assets went under. I know that didn’t happen. Ok, some of you lost some of your money. If you were fortunate enough you had a portfolio and your money was in mutual funds. Chances are you lost what about 25-30% of your money, correct.

Or if your money was in the stock market you probably lost 50% of your money. Maybe you lost everything depending on where your money was invested in the stock markets.

Why is it that people are not spending money?

Let’s face it, let’s look at it this way. Your job, if you are working somewhere, is still paying you your check. Okay, depending on what company you are working with, maybe you don’t have a job. But for the most part, at least the people I talk to, they have a job.

They get a paycheck every week. If your money was in the bank, lets say you had $5000 in the bank, it didn’t go anywhere, and you didn’t lose anything from that money.

Why is it people are not spending that money?

Why are they still getting a paycheck, but not buying more? What’s going on in the economy? Let me tell you, I think it is FEAR! Fear is the reason why all of this is going on.

Most people are paralyzed–emotionally and mentally. They are in a state of inertia. To them, things are still. Now I can understand a state of inertia when it comes to our money. But…

A state of inertia when it comes to our dreams? I don’t understand it. I really don’t. I know this is a time to put your money on hold. But, you should not put your dreams or goals on hold.

Ok, if you own a small business, I know you are hurting. As a small business myself, I sympathize with you. You see, we are always the first ones to feel the pinch of a bad economy. We feel the impact first.

However, I want to say this to you. The problem is not in our small businesses. The problem is not in the economy. The problem is head.

The Law Of Cause And Effect

You see, the things outside of us are effects. The cause is our mind. The state of you business, your car, home, bank account and all are all effects. Our mind produces those effects. If we want to change what we have, we have to change the thoughts we entertains.

I was talking to a coaching client on the phone. She has a business on the Internet. We spoke for about 70 minutes. Maritza never mentioned the economy once during the conversation.

She kept talking about how well her business is doing and how much money she is making. She didn’t say anything about the economy. You know why? It’s because she is not focusing on it. Her mind is too busy thinking the thoughts that create better results.

Simply put, she’s too busy following her plans, strategies, dreams, and goals.
My friend, you don’t have to participate in a bad economy. It’s a choice that you make.

I’m not saying everything is rosy. I understand what’s going on. However, there are a bunch of people who are going to be millionaires as a result of this crisis. How do I know that?

Well, during the great depression, when things were so horrible, many became very wealthy in the midst it. They made a lot of money. Why?
It’s because they didn’t put their dreams, goals, and aspirations on hold. They were not focusing on the depression. They were focusing on the new opportunities. Yes, new opportunities are surfacing right now. But we won’t see them if we are too busy thinking about how bad things are.

Those new opportunities don’t look like the old ones. We need to change our thinking in order to see them. We have to change our perspective—our mental filters.

A few weeks ago we had a gas shortage in Atlanta. People lined up in line for hours trying to get to the gas station to buy gasoline. A gallon of gasoline was $4.49 and people gladly paid that much. There’s no groaning or moaning.

Contrast that to a few years ago when we were paying around 97 cent or $1.05 for a gallon of gasoline. Then the prices were rising to up $2. People started complaining and moaning about it. They were really angry.

Okay, our gas shortage was over. And we didn’t have to stand in line nor pay over $4 for a gallon. The price went down to about $2.99. Do you think people were mad about it? No! They were celebrating!

You see my point. It’s a mindset. I predict whatever you are experiencing right now, will one day become the new normal. Listen, I don’t think I’m old enough to know about the great depression. But, I know about depression.

When I was a young boy in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, I lived in a little shack—a dungeon—with my mother, my sister and my brother. I slept on the floor with rats and roaches.

I went through the day chewing on sugar cane just to survive. You see, I really know how to survive without much.

Here’s your assignment or your homework. Make a list of all the things you have going for you—your possessions and other intangibles. I’m talking about your home, bank account, and your lifestyle.

Think about how many time you go out to eat dinner, lunch, and breakfast. I mean, list everything including going to the movies.

I want you to look at that list and ask yourself what’s on your list that you absolutely can do without. You’ll discover fast that there are lots of things you might be afraid to lose that are unnecessary.

The thing is no condition is permanent, right. That’s my motto. This economy is not going to stay the way it is, it’s going to rebound. My question is, when the economy rebound, will you be ready to bounce back with it?

Listen, even if the economy got worst, you’ll still be okay. We are not talking about death or sickness. You will survive.

Finally, let me say this to you. Yes, you can do more with less. You just need to adjust your attitude—your expectations.

Remember this, “No Condition is Permanent.”

Press on!


  1. Candi

    Yes, the economy is the #1 issue on everyone’s mind. You hit it on the nail, it’s our mindset in how we are going to stay on track and follow our plans or get off track and stumble around in dismay.

    Your excerpts help others really get inside and think and become more aware of what is really going on around us as well as within us.

  2. Barbara J. Faison

    Thanks for always insightful thought on how to reframe our perspective which is our reality. I often quote your, ” No Condition is Permanent” to people and use it as a constant reminder of a great truth that can truly change the way you live your life.

    Your points are very true. I don’t know anyone who has lost their job due to the economy. Many people spend too much time being over stimulated by all that they are exposed to- radio, internet, text messages, instant messages. People cannot constantly listen to all that information and think that they won’t be affected by it.

    My strategy is to select how often I will listen to the news (if any- many time I do a news fast) and that’s it. I don’t want to constantly have all that stuff running loose in my mind. What you hear you have to process, that’s the way the brain works.

    Thanks for a great reminder of how to harness that beautiful brain that we all can take better care of. I recently heard the a reframe of the word FEAR… Feeling Excited And Ready. That is something I can work with.

    Be Ever Wonderful,

  3. John Regan

    Hi Rene very wise thoughts, many people are using a poor economy as an excuse to not pursue their goals. They desperately look for a way to justify not taking responsibility for their actions and results.

    They have failed to plan and instead plan to fail, using the economy as an excuse. There is a world of abundance out there, there is enough money and resources to make everyone on this planet a millionaire.

    All it takes to receive our share of this abundance is to take responsibility for our lives and to stop blaming everything and everybody for our failures.

    Fear of course is there, but fear is only in the mind. all it takes, is for us to change our mind or perception of what is good or bad. For within every adversity their lies the potential to benefit us. Your words tell it all good on Ya Rene from your friend John Regan Ireland

  4. Luay

    This is very good thought, we all needed somebody to set our mind free to help us through this hard time.

  5. Lynda

    Hi Rene,

    I totally agree with you and John Regan from Ireland and absolutely fear plays a major role in how society is responding to the econonmy issues, it is a state of mind what we give out to the universe is what we get back.

    If everyone in this world decided to work together, be accountable for another, prayed for the nation and not just self and love ones, kept a positive mind and attitude, where would we be?

    But of course those are just my prayer and vision day and night. I am eternally grateful that through it all GOD has not left me in yesterday, today and tomorrow’s economy not matter what I lose or could lose as long as I don’t lose my relationship with GOD as for the economy it will work itself out.

  6. Raj Gavurla

    My quote to you and your subscribers:
    “Help people be profitable so you can be profitable.” – Raj Gavurla

    There is nothing to be ashamed of. Be very forgiving of yourself and others.
    The economy will come roaring back to new heights by doing the following
    to handle fear:

    1. Help each other (be creative) to pursue your goals, callings, and dreams
    2. Assist each other
    3. When someone is doing good or needs a caring boost support them
    4. Love yourself and others with a sense of respect
    5. Learning in all its form is the catalyst for positive change
    6. Always come across as a special individual
    7. Never ever give up hope

    No Condition Is Permanent

  7. sashibhushana rao

    yes no condition is permanent. We too pass through the present situation. this will become history.
    The world will understand you better, Rene.

  8. Challa S.S.J.Ram Phani

    Hi Rene,

    Thanks for sharing the audio file. You are always right in your perception and simply sueprb in putting the things in right perspective. Yes. It is fear. As somebody rightly said ‘Fear is the absence of courage’, it will cripple the minds and did not allow to think with open mind.

    keep mailing and keep in touch.



  9. Nana

    Hi Rene,
    The message was not very clear, it was just jumping up and down but all the same I managed to listen to it.
    Infact what I will say is that, this world is one has to Plan, implement,focus and then you will succeed

    Its been quite some time now. I am still reminding you to come to Ghana and visit my church. My Pastor and the congregation will be happy to have such a great man of God in our mist. God bless you for your great works.

    Your daughter,

  10. Doug

    Thanks Mr. Godefroy,

    I really needed to hear that . That messsage came into my life at the right time. Its amazing to me that when you ask for guidance and solace, it occurs if you are receptive.

    I was getting myself in to a “rut” by reading financial materials and publications. Unfortunately, none of the news that I was reading was positive toward the economy. I allowed myself to be absorbed into an eddy of despair and as a result became financially distressed.

    After hearing your podcast, I decided that, although there are real problems with the economy, I will curtail my interest in financial publications and not let the news get me to the point where I’ve created a depression in my mind.

    I believe that there is spiritual and material abundance in this world and to reap the harvest of peace of mind and finance, I must focus my energies in those directions. With all that is going on, I have so much to be grateful for.

    Keep up the good work and I wish you much success. Peace!

  11. Keynote Speaker Garrison Wynn

    Hi Rene. You know I recently incorporated a media piece into my keynotes basically discussing how the Media has helped to shape our fears of economic bad times and even been helped to cause the downturn itself.

    So much of how things will go for us individually depends on how we view what is happening around us and what we do about that. Here is a link to a recent Blog Post I made on the subject. Don’t Let The Media Tell You How Scared You Should be. Keep up the great work! ~ Garrison

  12. Jennifer

    This was a great post … not just your post – thoughts, but also all the comments left here by others. It’s great to be among a group of like-minded individiuals. Now is the time to move forward, help others and create greatness!


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