Discover How to Easily Boost Your Productivity

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I recorded this month’s segment for you. Click on the play button above. If you can’t hear it, just scroll down to read it.

let's start the conversation Let’s Start the Conversation. What’s your must?=>Click Here

This is probably the last conversation that I will have with you because it’s December and the year is about to end.

Well, I have a powerful secret that can make this New Year far more productive for you than the last 5 years. This one tip that I will share with you will help you accomplish things faster.

It’s actually one word!

And you’ll be amazed at how effective that word can boost your productivity. Trust me, I’ve been using that one word and, I’ve seen major results in my life.

But first, I have a question for you.

Did you set new goals for this year? Did you sit down in December, October, or any time and write a list of goals that you wanted to accomplish?

Well, if you did, congratulations! The very fact that you sat down and wrote some goals moved you to the top 3% of the population. That’s right, only 3% of us write down goals. Let’s me say to you that are part of a distinguished group… the elite.

If you didn’t take the time to write down your goals perhaps it has something to do with your fears. And there are several reasons for those fears.

One of them is a fear of failure. You think about a particular goal you want to accomplish and you begin to feel a sense of inadequacy.

Somehow, you think you won’t be able to accomplish your goals. The reality is no one wants to walk around feeling like a failure, right?

Another reason is because you might think it’s too cliché. It’s kind of like hearing something so many times and the mind blocks it out. Another reason people don’t set goals is simply because they are procrastinators.

If that’s you, then you are one of those some-day-I-will types of people. Or you are one of those with a big but blocking the way.
You say, “I want to increase my income, but…” or “I want to strengthen my relationships, but…” or “I want to pay off my debt but…” “I want to save more money this year, but…”. We all use this language every now and then.

Just get your but out of the way!

Write down 25 goals you want to accomplish this New Year. If you feel like writing more, go for it. However, you must set smart goals.

I am sure you’ve heard of this acronym before. SMART stands for:

Specific: You must know exactly what it is that you want. It’s not enough to pray for something abstractly. You’ve got to describe exactly what it is that you are praying for. Describe it in specific details. The more you can describe it, the faster you can accomplish it.

Measurable: It is said that what can be measured can be improved. It should be measurable in a way that you know where you are on the journey and what you can do to improve.

Achievable: You may have to stretch a bit to reach your goal. But it’s achievable or attainable.

If you are out of work and heavily in debt right now, don’t set a goal to be a millionaire by the end of the year. Focusing on such long range and potentially impractical aims can misguide you and steal your enthusiasm.

It’s great to dream the impossible dream but set realistic goals to achieve the dream.

Rewarding: Make sure it’s something that’s fulfilling and rewarding. Like Steven Covey says in his book, lean the ladder on the right building before you start climbing. Don’t do it because you want to compete with your peers. Do it because you want it.

Timely: Set a time frame. The reason why you want to set a date is to avoid procrastination. When there’s no set date, the mind will steer toward procrastination. Say to yourself, “In three months, or by October 31st…”

Write down 25 goals.

You might say to yourself, “But Rene, I’ve got so many challenges with my job and financial situation. There’s no way I can start writing goals.” That would be another “but”. Get it out of the way!

And now I present the word to you.

It’s the key to peak productivity. It’s the key to getting things done. Drum roll please….. The word is MUST.

We hear the following phrases all the time.

“I might”, “I need to”, or “maybe I will” “Someday I will.”

Surely you’ve heard someone say, “well next year I may go back to school. Or I may start learning a new skill to get a raise. I may start saving some money, a part time job, a new business, losing some weight, etc.

But these are weak words. They put us in a position of defeat before starting. It’s as if you’re giving yourself permission to fail. Instead, say the word “must”.

“I must get a part time job. I must lose 20 pounds by next July. I must start saving 30 dollars a week starting right now. I must change my diet. I must go to church more.”

You see the subconscious mind is dumb. It obeys whatever command you give it. The more precise and firm the command the faster it goes to work for you.

So before you go to bed, say to yourself; “Tomorrow, I must make five phone calls for my business; I must work on this marketing material; I must run 2 miles; I must read something positive and educational for one hour first thing in the morning.”

You get my gist, right?

Alright, then I must say goodbye. I must write down my 25 goals this Friday at 11:00 AM sharp.

I wish you a very successful New Year!

And remember, never give up!

Keep pressing on!

let's start the conversation Let’s Start the Conversation. What’s your must?==>Click Here


  1. Renee

    Really enjoyed your talk!!!! I know that I will change my self talk tonight before going to sleep to include using the word MUST many times!!!! Thanks!!!!

    • Dr. Julio Volcy


      I think one of the best things that happened to me in 2005, was to the opportunity to listen to your talk at the Haitian Ministry’ 25th anniversary and to read your book.

      As a lead pastor, leadership speaker and the senior leader of a non-profit organization this is a very busy season for me, but I knew I need to take sometime off to write down my goals for 2008, but I have been procrastinate, because of time.

      As a club member with the Maximum impact (Dr. John C. Maxwell) and a member of the Willow Creek Association (Pastor Bill Hybles) I felt much proud to be your subscribe because you always bring life on your emails.

      Again, you just challenge me to press it on. THANKS!!

  2. Renee

    I will be working on my goals for 2008 this evening!

  3. candita c

    Rene, first I must thank you for all your e-mails, every single one has been an inspiration. I am going to take all of your suggestions and use them to take my life to the next step and use them personally and professionally. You are truly my inspiration, thank you so much Renee.

  4. Dr. Hanif Koya

    Simply, EXCELLENT.

    MUST is going to be my KEYWORD.

    I must go now. I must speak to you by end ot his month.

    I must complete my First Year Law by end of 2008

    I must get the 3rd Qurter of my (now defuct) newspaper end of December 31, 2007. Inshah Allah.

    • zohra

      Dear Hanif,

      I’m glad you are inspired and working seriously towards your cherished goals, some of which is already realized. The rest of the goals will be realized too, Insha Allah.



  5. hersh deutsch

    I must invest my time and money very wisely during 2008.
    I must spend lots of time in Canada during 2009

  6. June

    Thanks for the inspiration.
    I’m on the right track, I just need to keep with it and not get distracted.
    I am writing some goals now.
    I must make more sales this year.
    I must finish de-cluttering my home.
    I must step back from some club responsibilities, it is someone else’s turn.
    I must develop better organizational skills.
    I must eat healthier.
    I must do more exercise to keep my heart strong.
    I must smile more, it will attract the things I want.
    I must make new curtains for my house, I have the fabric & need to enjoy it.
    I must believe I can do 25 goals this year, and figure out what the other 16 are.

  7. Pamela

    I must go and write my 25 goals now. I must say thankyou to you for your brilliant advice.

  8. Jean Rhau

    Dear René,

    The word must is a very strong word, and I “must” use more this coming years. This year, I did reach all my goals, however, I made progress and got a lot done.
    Thanks for inspiring us, you “must” keep it up.

    Jean Rhau

  9. Shaimaa

    Thank you very much for this excellent advice and all your inspirational thoughts and ideas. You’ve been a great help to me. I’m one of those people who always say, “When I have time I will “. But from now on I must always say I must and set a time frame for my decisions. I must start writing my goals for 2008.

  10. atul kumar engineer

    Yes I agree the subconscious mind acts like a computer. If we do not give it commands it will remain dumb.

    While you on this planet earth to achieve your goals you have to fix your goals in some time frame. Otherwise all your life may be spent purposelessly.


  11. D

    Dear Mr Rene

    Thank You for sharing that powerful thought.

  12. Delisiwe Mabena

    Thanks Rene for uplifting my spirit. I MUST write my goals for next year tonight.

  13. Zamile

    Well thanks man for this wonderful inspiration you have given me, and from now on I must start today to prepare for my future.

    I will start today to knock into each and every door telling those who care and also those who do not care about my dream of owning a radio station and I must believe that with God’s grace all will be true.Thanks once again for giving my life back to me

  14. passion

    Thank you for the inspiration. I used to be one of those people who are always procrastinating.

    Already I had been procrastinating about my needs for 2008. Now it will always be “I must ” in all the goals i want to achieve in 2008.

    I must have written down my 25 SMART goals before the end of this year.


    Dear Rene,

    I am touched by your words, many years passed to me with me setting goals. let me take
    this NEW YEAR as the MUST. i have already planned my MUST list and i will move myself towards this. Thanks

    With Love
    J Sridhar

  16. Christmas Vutuzah

    Thank you for the inspiration. I am amazed at the number of things I used to just say “I will”, “maybe some other day”, “If I could”. Now I know this secret it will unlock to me my great potential and the realization of my dreams.

    I must put my relationship with God first because God loves more than I can love myself and is more concerned about my success than I can ever be.I am a Christian.

    I must excel in my Bachelor of Comm in Accounting and I.T. I must be the best student next year.

    I must earn USD 250 000 next year. Is anything too hard for God?

    I must put more effort and resources in my company.

    I must eat more healthier

    I must write my other goals tonight

  17. Pam Schregardus

    I really enjoyed your talk also. Life has been tough this past year and I believe it is because I have gotten away from writing down my goals and saying and thinking positive things.

    Thanks for your inspiration and encouragement to keep going on.

  18. ed musanhu

    Very encouraging Rene. Keep up the good work. I have to admit that it is still a challenge in my life in spite of all the efforts I have made. I will try your method next year


  19. Stephanie


    Thanks so much for that one word. I will definitely use it for 2008, I must start my business within the first 90 days of the new year. Your words are very motivating and appreciated.


  20. Beulah Moore

    I must complete my book
    I must improve my diet and many more must.
    Thank you and a BIG

    Thank you for your emails.

  21. Peet Dippenaar


    It`s very important to bind yourself to goals , otherwise you will never reach anything in life
    without a definite goal(s)
    Therefore the word ” MUST” is very important to force yourself and your whole mind ..
    subconscious mind ..into a new direction to overcome HABITS that cause procrastination direction



  22. Lynda

    As always it is pleasure to hear from you and especially now when I am dealing with a lot of unnecessary and unwanted stress. It’s a must that I like always take your advice going into 2008 with a different mind frame.

    I set goals, plan ahead, give advice, therapy, counsel others, myself, friends and family and with all my intelligants, hard work, motivation and a type of beauty to live for, when all is said and done, I’m left wondering how much harder do I have to work before it start to rub off on. As always Rene I do as you ask, do know your talk will go with me in 2008.

  23. Christopher Stevenson

    Hello Rene,

    Your words are very inspiring and thank you so much for your time and effort helping people in their everyday life struggles. In return I would like to post something I wrote regarding Reputations. Reputations are something we will bring with us to the end and is very important for us to take our reputations more seriously.

    What is your reputation?

    What is your reputation among your family and friends; is it good or not so good? What do people say about you; perhaps you do not care, you are sure of yourself and what people think does not matter… or does it?

    The answer to this question will have a great impact in your personal and business life. Your reputation is governed by your reactions to situations in your life and by the words that come out of your mouth. Be aware of your actions at all times because they will influence your reputation for good or bad weather you know it or not.

    It is true that your reputation may be completely different from your character; this is why you have to look deep into yourself and get the true answer, good or bad your reputation will always perceive you.

    Accept it or not you already have a reputation and people talk about it at home, at the office and in your business, they may not always tell you, and when they do, you may or may not like what you hear; regardless you should pay attention and take note.

    Likewise, you can have a “good” reputation but unfortunately, one bad move can ruin your reputation regardless of all the good actions you have done previously. So what can you do?

    Start creating a pattern of good actions that result in a good reputation. A pattern of Godly behavior will manifest itself in your life so even when people misunderstand you in your actions or words you will always have integrity with your people; they will “know better” that such actions are not in your character.

    Begin to adopt the characters of Jesus Christ in your daily actions and words; study Jesus reputation and his actions and words by reading and studying the Bible.

    At the same time, don’t worry about what people think of you when you know your actions and words are pure; there will always be those who do not appreciate you.

    If you are not aware of your reputation then start taking an honest assessment of yourself. A good reputation starts from the heart and starts with you, nobody else can influence your reputation even if they try. Let the word of God influence you and do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Stay consistent and really look at yourself and make a deep change from the inside out.

    If you do not re-evaluate yourself from the inside and try only to work from the outside, you will fool no one; speak the truth without exaggeration and manipulation.

    If you do not change within yourself first then your actions will not be genuine and people will notice. Why change you may ask yourself, you feel you already have a good reputation.

    Change is good, there is always room for improvement and if you want to see improvement in your life and business, you must change first.

    The way you are now has gotten you where you are now, that may be fine with you, however if you want major changes in your life you must work on yourself and as a result your reputation will be a great attribute for your success in both your personal and business life.

    – Christopher Scott Stevenson


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