Will Power Is Not Your Power

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  1. John E Regan

    Nice video Rene, without imagination we are all dead in the water. When we use our thoughts to TRY to do something we turn our will power into wont power. I believe there should be no such thing as TRY we should just DO. When we try to do something we leave the door open for hundreds of excuses to fail or procrastinate. Just turn your TRY into DO and you will find you will get things done that you did not believe in your comfort zone that you could do. DO it and you will surprise yourself.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Absolutely John! Your insights are always appreciated. Thanks for joining the conversation! Let’s stay in touch my friend.

  2. Erik

    Another great one Rene. Thank you.

  3. Lizelle

    Very good; very interesting and inspirational.Hugs and positive energy to you!

  4. rusty lynn potter(marathon runner from Louisiana)

    very well done. i am encouraged to share with others, lynn

  5. wakanyi

    Awesome, thanks for the encouragement to imagine

  6. Wany Reyes

    Great video, Rene… I love it. Please let me know when you finished the second part! 😉

    Wany Reyes

    • Rene Godefroy

      Absolutely Wany! I will definitely let you know! We need to talk.

  7. Subramanya

    Very important concept and you have delivered in a very simple way !!! Really useful and motivating, Thanks a lot Rene

    • Rene Godefroy

      You are welcome Subramanya. Thanks for participating in this conversation.

  8. Edgar G. La Chica

    Thank you so much for your awakening and exciting revelation! I am now vividly imagining myself achieving all my dreams in the very near future. It’s like watching a movie where I am the hero accomplishing all my wants and desires!

  9. Elsie Craig

    Very inspiring video! I am forwarding your video to friends and family members. Thanks for sharing.


    • Rene Godefroy

      You are welcome Elsie. Hope all is well. Many thanks for all your great work in Haiti. Also, thanks for sharing the video with your friends and family.

  10. Jacques Laurent

    Excellent video, Rene!

  11. Bro.Ben

    God bless you Rene,I concor with your campaign against the use of will power to achieve success.Most of us tried it and failed;until we realised that imagination is actually the door of success.The power of imagination can make one do something in extra ordinary way that bears result.imagination is act of pondering on virtual existence as though they are real;it is the desire to achieve that which has been visualized that makes one great.And that is the imagination we are talking about.God bless you Rene for this wonderful video.

    Hope to hear from you soon.


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