If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Living Your Dreams?

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Have you ever wondered why someone read a book and became wealthy while thousands or even millions others read the same book and are still struggling? Let me ask the same question another way.

Have you ever seen people who don’t seem to have one quarter of your education living large and doing extremely well whereas you are having a hard time trying to achieve your dream?

Is it because that person is lucky? Is it because that person happens to be in the right place at the right time? Well, sometimes that may be true.

However, I believe if you want to be lucky, be the best at what you do. And, in order to be at the right place at the right time, you have got to be at many places all the time. All right, if it’s neither luck nor being at the right place, what is it? Great question! Let me answer it with a powerful illustration.

This is my tennis racket. These are my tennis balls. I know what you’re thinking, “I didn’t know he played tennis!” As a matter of fact, I don’t know how to play tennis. I don’t even know how to hold the racket. So, why do I have the balls and the racket?

The guys I run with on the trail have been talking me into playing tennis. Jerry Lee gave me a racket and some tennis balls. They have been in the trunk of my car for about a year now. Let me ask you this: Because I drive around with a racket and some tennis balls in my trunk, does that make me a tennis player? The answer is obviously no.

Now, when do I become a tennis player? When I actually get on the court to practice and play! That is when I start taking action. Until then, I will always be a spectator. Here’s my point: most people in life are spectators.

Very few people are players. The spectators read a book or attend a seminar and get very excited in a moment. But then, they don’t get on the court to play or put into application what they learn. The players do just the opposite.

Are you a player or a spectator? Let me tell you, the spectators tend to always know what the players should have done. Have you ever heard the fans screaming and cursing at the players for mistakes? I’m talking about the player haters. You know what? I don’t want you to be a spectator. Be a player instead.

Now, take a good look at your knowledge, degrees, and whatever education you have. They are your racket and tennis balls. It’s time to stop carrying them in the trunk of your brain. It’s time to play!

Before I wrap up, let me say this: In life you’re either creating or consuming. When you’re creating, you’re playing and when you’re consuming, you’re a spectator. Which one do you want to be? The reality is, every time you’re learning, you’re consuming. You’re being a spectator.

Spectators don’t make money, they spend money. The players do. Got it? Great!

Always ask yourself this question when you are doing anything: “Am I being a player or a spectator?” Right now you’re being a spectator. It’s time to play. Go create something. Be a player. Take action on what you learn. And, by the way, you don’t have to start big. Do anything that makes you feel like you’re playing.

Press on!


  1. Danielle

    Your right up until now I have been a spectator. Its crazy how much time is lost on the sidelines, thank you for the boot

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Danelle,

      I’m glad you got it. I want to play all the way until the end of my life. It’s easy to know when you’re playing or watching the game of life. Just ask yourself, “Am I being a spectator or a player?” That is for anything you are doing at any time.

  2. Kamesh

    Thanks a ton ! It is an eye opener for me and for many people like me. We always just wonder ‘what’s happeninig ?’ eventhough we do all the hardwork. That’s true we were spectators not players…I will try to keep this question always in my mind.

    • Rene Godefroy

      You are welcome Kamesh! I don’t believe you are a spectator. It’s that there is too much information to consume these days. You have to focus on what you want to accomplish and trust you have enough to start.

  3. Rene Godefroy

    Awesome! Glad to hear that. Thanks for your feedback.

  4. Patsy

    Renee, the racket really hit me with a 100 mile and hour ball. I have been hung up screaming at the players and have lost site of why I came to the game. Thanks for the awesome wake up call. I definitely will begin playing no matter how long the game is.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Yes. Screaming at the players make no sense. Get in the game and play Patsy. Glad you received the wake up call.

  5. Rene Godefroy

    That’s right! Keep playing. Only the players make money! I will do my best to provide you with more learning videos.

  6. Ganesh

    Hi..Rene i am Ganesh from India i have watched almost every videos of yours and found it is so informative and effective. Infect for everyone who watch this.Honestly speaking there is no word to admire for your’s videos and articles.Because whatever you have done for that Thank You is just not enough. Please keep it up and if possible attach a hyperlink with the videos as we could download and can share with our lovable one.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Ganesh,

      Thanks for your feedback. I’m glad you find my videos informative. Keep pressing on!

  7. annah

    dear Rene. I am really struggeling to listen to video.Do you perhaps have a book?

  8. Gina Sienia


    I was at the 2007 Focus meeting. You were very good. I do however think that you should post a quote from something more recent that you have done. Something from 2010 would be good.


    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Gina! You are so right. Now my presentation is so different. I need to make sure we post some of the new footage. Where in the country are you located?

  9. saba hussain

    hi rene,
    your words are always worthy, you always focused on the depth, which really helps us to improve ourself. thankx.

    • Rene Godefroy

      It’s my pleasure Saba. Thanks for your feedback.

  10. chetan

    i wish its differ my life

    • Rene Godefroy


      Don’t wish. You already have the power to make it happen. Why wishing? If you want a different life, start living a different life. You can change your friends if they are bringing you down. You can change the route you take everyday to go to work.

      You can change the types of books you read. You can change how you spend money. You can change your spiritual life. You can change how you respond to those that try to talk you out of living your dreams.

      Here’s what you should keep in ming: You can’t change everything but you can change any thing.

  11. Lambert Prosper

    Renny, you’re right !. I’ve been a spectator all this time. There’re many books i’ve been unable to finish and new titles are surging in, yet i can’t conclude any. The fact is i can’t get the flow any longer.

    • Rene Godefroy


      We are drowning in a sea of information and we are starving for information as the same time. It seems like the more we know, the more we want to know. The key is to focus on your field or area of interest. Read one book completely. Take notes and review your notes. Then apply what you learn.

      Forget the other books for now. You will not miss anything. The reality is, you are doing yourself a disfavor by trying to gobble too much information. If you could really master one book at a time, teach it to your friends, apply what you learn, you would be much more powerful.

  12. paul Arhin

    thank you for your wonderful message. But l will be grateful if tell me more about my last message , if l may ask was that a prophecy?

    • Rene Godefroy

      Paul when I say self fulfilling prophecy, it’s a term I learned here in the US that means predicting a future for yourself-bad or good.


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