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The Ultimate Public Speaking Course To Go From Nervousness To Rock Solid Confidence

A comprehensive training in platform mechanics, speech structure, body language, voice modulation, storytelling, and audience engagement.

Do You Struggle With Public Speaking and Feel Nervous Every Time You Have to Speak in Front of an Audience?

This Training will provide you with the tools and techniques you need to become a confident and effective public speaker. You’ll learn how to overcome nervousness, deliver compelling speeches, and captivate Any audience. Don’t let fear hold you back from reaching your full potential! Enroll Today!
Command Any Stage To Unleash Your Inner Speaker!

Get ready to master the psychology and strategies to crush it on any platforms. The speaker and difference make is already in you. Once your fear, anxiety, and the imposter syndrome are out of your way, you can deliver your message with power and confidence.

A Partial List of  What You Will Take Away

  • Exactly how to find and customize powerful and hypnotic stories that your audiences connect with.
  • How to research your audience so you can deliver a highly customized presentation specific to their issues
  • How to take any one of your stories and make it relevant to your audience
  • How to find and craft a signature story (You must have one.)
  • How to structure and write your keynote for maximum impact
  • How to inject humor in your keynote even if you don’t think you are funny
  • How to make sure your keynote is emotionally charged… Make them cry, laugh, and think at the same time.
  • Nothing sells without emotions.
  • How to easily memorize your keynote in order to present it like a real pro without notes
  • How to transform your keynote into a training for breakout sessions
  • How to bundle audio, pdf, or video to raise their value and boost your personal brand
  • How to leverage AI to setup your business without employees
  • How to negotiate your fees with meeting planners
  • How to write the perfect script to close the deal
  • How to find out if the client has your fee or not
  • What kind of concession to make in order to give the meeting planner a super deal and still come out on top every time
  • The exact question to ask to determine if you can get your fees
  • How to craft a mini presentation to inspire the meeting planers on the phone
  • How to create great marketing materials that can sell you sight unseen
  • How to write compelling and persuasive copy that can position as the right choice for the meeting planners
  • How to put together a killer one pager to promote yourself
  • How to create a powerful demo video that positions you as an authority and expert on your topic… Speakers bureau love that
  • How to take powerful photos for your marketing materials
  • Where to find hire cheap and professional video and photographers